Condition-measured, made visible, actionable and trusted.
Today, perishables’ lives are becoming more and more complex. Consumer demand, 24/7, 52 weeks a year, has led to global supply chains in which partners are often unknown to each other. This means a lower and lower brand owner, retailer and consumer visibility into the condition of perishables at purchase. Additionally, the rise in specialty perishables, purchased via the Internet, adds even more uncertainty.
Counterfeit? Where made? Who made it? What ingredients? Has its quality been preserved? Was it temperature abused in the shipment? Is it fresh? How fresh? Ask Infratab Freshtime.
Introducing Infratab
Infratab at GS1 connect 2023
Denver, Colorado
June 5-7, 2023
U.S Patent Office grants Infratab RF-sensor patent
August 17, 2021

Food Logistics’ 2019 FL100+ Top Software and Technology Providers
December 17, 2019
Infratab wins AIM 2019 case study competition for Blockchain
November 6, 2019
Perishable challenges
Variable handling + customer demand for fewer preservatives = rising waste
Food waste
(globally per year)
1.4 billion tons

Perishable cold chain risks
69% of companies in a 2017 risk management study cited by Microsoft do not have full visibility in their supply chain.
41% of companies track supply chain disruptions using spreadsheets after the occurrences.
Waste not limited
to food

About Infratab
Tracking “How fresh?” and “How is it?”
From harvest or production through transport and sale to the consumer
Basic Sensing

Infratab's products monitor, track and trace the temperature and condition of perishables and things which experience wear and tear by the business partner, location or process
Condition intelligence

Answering “How fresh?” “How is it?”
Unlocking the mystery of fresh
A legacy in caring about the condition

A legacy of Freshness metrics for nearly 50 years
An ongoing quest for condition understood and used
Condition-Shelf life-Freshness: Magic
Infratab brings together expertise and passion from a multiplicity of disciplines in order to bring freshness and condition thinking into widespread use.
When condition is measured and quantified, verified and validated, it becomes a trusted tool in making competitive harvesting, pricing and shipping perishable decisions and service decisions about items which experience measurable wear-and-tear. It results in smarter, more efficient assessments, when perishable ingredient and nutrient potency and flavor are mapped to ranges of shelf life and freshness. It means lest toss. Lower carbon footprints. And healthier and safer consumers.
Meet Infratab's "Condition guru" founders

Stanton Kaye

Theodore P.
Labuza, PhD

Kristine Gedroic,

David Medin
Infratab Freshtime: perishable data capture and analytics toolkit

Infratab Freshtime is a solution-based toolkit for collecting, sharing and analyzing data about the condition of a perishable. These tools provide insights into the condition of perishable items and groups of items, the temperature effectiveness of refrigerated spaces and the timeliness and temperature performance of perishable transport.
Freshtime makes temperature and other sensor data smart—on the spot—providing actionable data that can save a perishable from being tossed. This actionable data requires no cloud—but when the data is stored on the cloud, notifications, reports, predictions and analyses can be shared with all with the need to know.
Freshtime is GS1 supply chain savvy and blockchain astute. Its users range from those in the supply chain to QA inspectors, lab technicians, nurses, chefs, food delivery persons, consumers and more.
Industry Organization
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