Class participation is an aspect of online discussions that students rarely look forward to because it takes time to read through the posts and find Telephone Number List one that may be of interest. The most common response begins with "I agree" and then a few comments are added to it. But agreement is irrelevant when you consider the overall scope and purpose of the Telephone Number List discussion. What matters most is the students' ability to engage in a conversation and continue the discussion. Regardless of the nature of the discussion questions or the posts Telephone Number List within the discussion threads, it is possible for students to craft well-developed responses if they allocate time and follow a structured process.
Every discussion question response that students create must be considered similar to a written assignment. Create your post in a separate Telephone Number List document so that it can be worked on over a period of time, such as one or two days. This means that a well budgeted schedule for each class week does more than notate a due date for the Telephone Number List discussion question, it also breaks up the development of the response over time. What weakens most discussion question Telephone Number List responses is that students begin writing a response based upon what they know or how they react, and then they use it as their final post. But that is only the starting point. Writing from a Telephone Number List perspective of what you know does not help you learn.
Each discussion question response needs to be developed as a mini essay, complete with an introduction, body, and meaningful conclusion. Begin Telephone Number List the process by jotting down your initial thoughts about the subject. Next, make time to explore the assigned readings and take notes as you find information relevant to the discussion question. Compare what you've read to what you know and then determine if this is enough to build a meaningful reply. Generally Telephone Number List that will not be enough information and a search for credible academic sources can help bolster the content and quality of your post. A good place to start is the online library as you are likely Telephone Number List to find credible sources. If the Internet is utilized make sure that sources are evaluated for credibility, accuracy, relevance, and timeliness.